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Danny Blue és csapata igyekszik mindent megtenni annak érdekében, hogy Te mint rendezvényszervező partnerünk, a lehető legkönnyebben tudd Danny show-ját ajánlani, és az értékesítés sikeres lezárásához is minden támogatást megadunk.

Az értékesítésen túl Danny műsorának promóciójához találsz arculati elemeket és fotókat is.

A show sikeres lebonyolításához szükséges technikai igényeket és a show audiovizuális elemeit is letölthetővé tettük back-up megoldásként a technikusok számára (természetesen Danny mindig asszisztenciával és saját laptopján minden audiovizuális anyaggal együtt érkezik, ez csak egy back-up).

Kérlek, nézd át ezeket az anyagokat és használd, hogy az ügyfeleidnek tényleg egy rendkívüli show-ban lehessen része!

    SOUND We assume that there is a well sized PA system provided for the venue with sufficient power to supply a clean and undistorted 110dB SPL RMS and a feedback-proof monitor system. - DPA-type headworn mic (preferred brands: Sennheiser HSP4, DPA4088) - HANDHELD wireless mic /w stand (preferred brands: minimum Sennheiser G3, minimum Shure ULX) - Sound mixer: (2 pieces of XLR microphone channel, 1 laptop stereo receiver - 3,5mm Jack cable) - JACK-connector for laptop (3,5mm) - 1 kw sound - technician LIGHTING - 6 led lights It is important though that during the show there is always sufficient light for the show. Lighting can be discussed during soundcheck, but we will bring script/notes, so it will be easy to operate. You can use fog and stroboscope effects. PROJECTION - 5000 ANSI projector with screen, with rear projection is preferred when canvas is behind the center of the stage. Above audiences of 300 live feed is preferred. Above 1000 ppl optimum solution is 2 live feed screens at each side of the stage and one at center stage playing animations. A video mixer is also needed with staff to operate animations/live feed. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT ON STAGE - 4 chairs with back support - 2 postament ca. 80cm height - Stage stairs from the backstage and stairs to be placed by side or in front of the stage to allow guests to go on the stage. - Display panel next to the stage for preparation and materials. STAFF We will need a qualified sound engineer, stage technician and lights technician (conditional: video mixer and cameramen) SHOW SECRETS & SOUNDCHECK It is not convenient to have a surrounded stage. If we have an open backstage, we might ask you to block other performers and staff from viewing the show from the sides or from the back. We will need an absolute minimum of 15 minutes soundcheck, 60 minutes setup (not happening on stage). Danny will be ready for the agreed upon time with his show. If you wish to start earlier please let him know 30 minutes in advance of preferred show-start.
    1. BASIC VERSION (above 100 pax) - 1 piece of 5000 ANSI projector with screen, rear projection - 1 kw sound - 1 DPA-type headworn mic - 2 handheld wireless mic /w stand - 1 Hazer - 6 led lights - black display panel - transportation and installation - 1 technician 2. MIDDLE VERSION (above 200 pax) - 1 piece of 5000 ANSI projector with screen, rear projection - 7 kw sound - 1 DPA-type headworn mic - 2 handheld wireless mic /w stand - 1 Hazer - 6 led lights - 20 moving head lamp - black display panel - transportation and installation - 2 technicians - live feed projection 3. COMPLETE VERSION (above 500 pax) - 2 pieces of 5000 ANSI projector with screen, rear projection - 1 camera - 20 kw sound - 1 DPA-type headworn mic - 2 handheld wireless mic /w stand - 2 Hazers - 6 led lights - 45 moving head lamp - T-motors - black display panel - transportation and installation - 4 technicians - live feed projection - 6x5m stage - Led wall (4,8x3m)
    BACKSTAGE A separate room for Danny and crew to prepare and get some rest before and after the show. It would be great to have some sofas, tables, chairs, a mirror and sink. FOOD & DRINKS 2-4 meals (depending on no. of assistants arriving) - minimum 6 bottles of cooled non-carbonated water for backstage - minimum 3 liters of cooled soft drinks (juice ginger and coke) SECURITY Please ensure at all times that the stage, dressing rooms and mix position are off limits and secure.
    ARRIVAL Please provide detailed directions in English or German language two weeks before the date of the show with the complete address of the venue and a telephone contact. We need an unloading spot close to the venue. Please provide arrival, soundcheck and doors-open and on-stage times. The event organiser or another person should be at the venue at arrival time. TRANSPORTATION Please arrange for Danny to arrive 1 day prior to the show at the selected city, by fastest and comfortable means of transport. Please also provide airline e-ticket and information on airport pickup. PLEASE ONLY DO BOOK FLIGHT TICKETS, ONCE EXACT FLIGHT SCHEDULE IS CONFIRMED WITH DANNY’S STAFF. ACCOMMODATION Close to the venue in a 5-star hotel, for the night prior and after the show. Unless otherwise negotiated, if purchaser is providing hotel the rooms shall be available until the day after the performance with extended check-out time. Please list the name, address and phone of the hotel being provided.
    Danny Blue LTD reserve the right to record the show for reference purposes only. All other forms of recording, including audio, video, television, radio and all forms of digital recording are forbidden without prior written permission from LTD or their representatives for each occasion. Flash photography is permitted during the show.
    There are promotional materials we can send to you for advertising purposes. Don`t hesitate to write if you need posters or flyer and promo templates, logos or pictures in various file formats. There is a clear identity, that should be taken care of when making your own promotion. Please contact for further details about design policies. +36709089790

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